The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Happy Tummy Time!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 6:38 PM

Yay! Tummy time is starting to become a happy time! Here are some fun pictures of Jada showing off her strong upper body muscles holding herself up. The second shows the true mark of a four month old - drool! Ha ha.

Post From My iPhone

15 lbs. 14.5 oz & 24.5 inches tall!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 6:09 PM
Jada had her 4 month well-baby doctor appt. on Thursday. She weighed 15 lbs. 14.5 oz and was 24.5 inches tall! She's in the 75th percentile in both height & weight, so she's a good, healthy size.

Jada & I hung out with Becky & David today & we held each other's babies for a few minutes. It is so much different holding David instead of Jada. He's a few inches taller than her and probably close to the same weight, or slightly less. It's funny how even babies have different body types! David is such a sweet little guy. He let Jada play with his favorite red bird toy today. Here's a picture of them saying "goodbye" to each other today.

This is the cute argyle sweater Jada wore today. It was one of those outfits that look so big in her closet, so I figured it was too big for her. Once I put it on her, I realized how big she is! And take notice... no bib! She's not spitting up as much! Whoo hoo! Isn't she so stinkin' cute? I love it.

-- Post From My iPhone

I'm 4 Months Old Today!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 1:26 PM
Jada's 4 months old today! She's talking like crazy, loves being around people, and smiles a ton. She's starting to look less like a baby and more like a little girl. She enjoys touching faces and talking at the same time. it's like she's saying, "Hey, I'm talking to you!".

I can't believe how fast she's growing and how much more mature she's becoming. She enjoys sitting on our laps and being in the middle of our conversations. :-) the days of constantly moving, bouncing, and pacing are over! Whoo hoo! Hooray for being happy while sitting down! This age is definitely easier than a newborn.

She still is an excellent sleeper and we're on a wonderful sleeping, eating, playtime routine. Life is good.

On Thursday, Jada will have her 4 month check-up & we get to find our how much she weighs & how tall she is!

Last weekend we visited our family in Eugene for my birthday. Here are a couple pictures from when we went to Aunt Mariah's house. Gabe was showing Jada how to play drums. :-)

Post From My iPhone

Chatter Bug

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 11:52 PM
Our little Jada Faith chatting up a storm.

Excited About Talking

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 9:38 AM

Jada is talking up a storm; no real words yet, but lots of fun sounds! Although, I did walk in her room yesterday and it totally sounded like she said, "Hey!", so I looked back at her & said, "Hey!" right back. :-)

She gets so excited to have conversations with Mommy & Daddy. She's learning about loud sounds and quiet sounds. When she's especially happy, she talks very loudly and smiles a ton. She loves it when we respond to her with her favorite sounds like "ng-gee". We'll have to post a video soon of a conversation with Jada.

Kaya, one of our dogs, walked in Jada's room this morning when Jada was playing on her activity mat. Jada must have been pretty excited to see her because she started talking to her! I love it. She also talks to Mr. Frog quite often in the car (the toy that hangs from her car seat). She is definitely a little girl who loves talking. I can't wait to hear her first word (besides "hey"). :-)

-- Post From My iPhone

Jada Knows Her Name!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 9:52 AM

For the past couple weeks, I've been calling out Jada's name when she's facing the other direction to see if she turns to respond. She did occasionally. As of yesterday, when either Gabe or I say "Jada" or "Jada Bear" (her nickname), so turns to look at us and smiles. She officially knows and responds to her name. She is so smart.

On Wednesday, Jada & I visited Becky & David. Here's Becky holding both babies! Is it just me, or does it look like Jada's trying to kiss David? Yikes! Only 3 months old & already interested in boys!

Earlier this week, the weather was absolutely beautiful - we're talking sunny & 78 degrees! Here's Jada & I getting ready to go play outside.

I recently attached Mr. Frog back to Jada's carseat. Oh how she missed her friend. She spent the whole car ride to Fred Meyer catching up with him.... Just talking away! I looked at the rearview mirror and saw Mr. Frog just flying around. When we pulled in the parking lot, she was grasping on to the little loop attached to Mr. Frog. Here she is holding on to her friend in Fred Meyer.

And a couple more fun pictures...

Post From My iPhone

Jada & David

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 6:49 PM

What a cute couple! Jada & David have matching outfits (well, Jada has the girl version & David has the boy version)! It's so fun to see them interact. They stared each other down today & even gave each other sympathy cries. Jada & I love hanging out with Becky & David!

We actually came up with a new word today by accident - dryper. (dry+diaper=dryper) Ha ha. Here it is used in a sentence - "Does somebody need a dryper?". Yes, this is what happens when two mommies get together. :-)

-- Post From My iPhone

The "Jada Jump-Up"

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 8:11 AM
We found a Jump-Up for Jada a couple weeks ago. She is going to LOVE it once she's just a tiny bit bigger & realizes that she can bounce in it. For now, she enjoys just standing in it. :-)

Jada's already almost 3 1/2 months old. I can't believe how fast the time is going.

-- Post From My iPhone
