The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Jada's Sleeping on Her Back!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 2:21 PM

Okay, so it's a little embarrasing to admit that Jada has been sleeping in her carseat since she's been 4 days old up until 2 days ago. Her acid reflux was causing her to spit up many times at night and she would start making scary choking noises when she was first born, so it made sense to have her sleep in a more upright position.

When she was 3 months old, I tried transitioning her from the carseat to sleeping on her back, but she woke up every 2 hours screaming. I don't know if it hurt her tummy when she was flat on her back or if she just didn't like it. That lasted 3 nights then I switched her right back to her carseat where she would sleep 8-9 hours straight. Yeah, I know... Mommy wanted to sleep.

Well, two days ago we decided to try again, after all, she is 4 1/2 months old & can't sleep in a carseat forever. I was so nervous & prepared myself to wake up every 2 hours again. On Tuesday night, I laid her on her back in her crib at 9:30pm & didn't hear from her until 5am! She woke up hungry, but went back to sleep at 5:45 until 8:15am! Not bad! Last night was night #2, and she slept straight from 10:30 - 8:00! Success! I'm so proud of how she's handling this new big-girl transition.

Her doctor recommended that we raise one side of the mattress so that her head's elevated (to help with reflux). Jada starts off in the right position, but then wakes up sleeping horizontally where the incline ends! It's quite funny...

Here she is stretching... Enjoying all the extra room that the carseat can no longer offer her...

-- Post From My iPhone


Karly81 said... @ May 7, 2009 at 3:45 PM

What a big girl! I can only hope and pray that my next one will be as good of a sleeper as Jada has been! lol I LOVE the stretching pic!

meataballmama said... @ May 8, 2009 at 2:21 AM

Oh Amber I am so thankful! I love the way you share..Your challenges and Your Joys! oh, how that blesses me...I call this a AMAZING SUNDAY for sure. Don't you agree? I love you all so Very Much!Love, Nana

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