The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 8:48 PM
Four is a big number is Jada's life right now. She has four teeth (all on the bottom!) & has officially moved up to size four diapers! She's growing up so fast.

Here's a cute picture of our Jada Bear all bundled up to run errands on Saturday (cute beany courtesy of Lisa Brown; check out "Clackamas Crochet Chick" on if you want one for yourself!). She's such a cutie.

Jada definitely loves adventure. She loves climbing on anything and everything. Here she is playing on (yes, I said ON) the dishwasher.

Although we run through the house (while she holds on to my fingers) and are physically active throughout the day, she seems to have crazy amounts of excess energy. According to Nana, her daddy was the same way when he was little (& at times, still is). Here she is burning some energy after lunch by kicking in her highchair. :-)


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