The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Falling Asleep Mid-Cry

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 4:02 PM
Jada wasn't too happy about this little outfit because it requires the top to go over her head. I usually stick to outfits that snap down the front so we don't have to go through the trauma of pulling a onesie over her head. This little outfit, however, I just couldn't pass up; it's just way too cute.

The first picture is Jada expressing her discontent with getting dressed. The second was taken only seconds later after I put a hat on her and tucked a blanket around her (we were going outside). She seemed to have suddenly forgotten why she was upset and just fell asleep mid-cry. She is so funny!


Rebecca said... @ January 31, 2009 at 7:23 PM

That is a cute little outfit, she looks soo grown up!

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