The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

9 Month Check-Up & Meeting Great-Grandpa

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 7:34 PM

Jada saw Dr. Knapp this morning for her 9 month check-up. She was such a big girl; she showed Dr. Knapp her crawling & standing skills and talked to her a bit too. Jada weighs about 22 lbs. & is 29 inches tall-she's in the 90th percentile for height & weight. She even had 3 shots today & only cried for a few seconds. I'm so proud of her.

This past weekend, Jada met her Great-Grandpa Siegel & his sweet wife, Janet. She sewed her a beautiful pillow with a matching blanket that fits inside of the pillow! Thank you, Janet & Great Grandpa for such a soft & pretty present!

Here are some other cute pictures; Jada was really into sticking her tongue out this weekend. :-)

-- Post From My iPhone

Jada Dancing with Her Favorite Singing Chair

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 10:19 AM

Walking with a Little Help

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under , on 10:05 AM

Jada's 9 Months Old!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 7:05 PM
Our baby girl is 9 months old, as of yesterday. She now has both of her bottom, front teeth. She's a crazy fast crawler, an aspiring stander, and a shaky cruiser (she "cruises" or walks along furniture while holding on). She uses anything (be it stable or unstable) for support while going from sitting to standing position. After she accomplishes such a feat, she gives herself a round of applause. :-) I'm sure a small part of that is due to the fact that we like to celebrate activities at our house. Pretty much anything positive earns a "Yay, Jada! Clap your hands! Yay!". :-) Here's a picture of her smiling after pulling herself to standing next to the ottoman.

Her current favorite toy is a fun, singing chair. She LOVES climbing all over it and now even dances a little (sways forward & back) while it sings, "When you're up you're up, when you're down you're down, but when you're only half way up, you're neither up nor down!". Here she is using it for support while standing followed by a super cute picture of her playing before bedtime.

Jada & David are best friends. If Jada gets a little cranky, we can show her a picture, better yet, a video, of David & she lights right up & feels better - seriously. They played on the swings last week together. What happy babies!

Daddy & Mommy also have had fun events occur this past week. Daddy won a Bocce Ball tournament at work with his co-worker & friend, Bobby. Out if 128 teams in his building, team Schuh/Carter won first place! They are the 2009 Bocce Ball Champions of 200 Market St.! Yay, Daddy!

I had my haircut this past weekend & it feels incredible to have shorter hair! Here's a quick before & after picture. And no, Becky & I didn't plan on wearing the same shirt that day!

Here's Jada, sitting in a chair, like a big girl, while Emily cut our hair (clapping her hands, of course!).
In the second picture, she's holding "Baby", who she carries around pretty much wherever she goes. So cute. It's so sweet that she has a little baby of her own who she loves - at only 9 months old.

***Sidenote - This is our 100th blog post! Whoo hoo! ***

-- Post From My iPhone


Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 5:38 PM

Jada's bottom, left, front tooth arrived on Sunday, August 30th! We didn't have any idea it was coming because she was such a sweet girl all weekend. I thought that I saw a little tooth while we were playing Sunday evening then Gabe stuck his finger in her mouth to check - yep, there's a tooth in there alright! She loves chewing on sliced apples and cucumbers in her little mesh feeder. I'm sure it feels fabulous on her sore little gums...

Here's a sweet picture of me & my no-longer-toothless baby taken today.

A couple weeks ago, we headed out to Bend to visit the Carter family. We spent some fun, quality time with Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Louise & Aunt Mariah. We fished off of the dock, made dinner together & just relaxed. Here's my new favorite family picture that was taken that weekend.

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