The Carter Family

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

She's Mobile!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 3:19 PM
Wow. My life has just changed. Jada doesn't stay in one place anymore. She can roll from one side of the room to the other in less than a minute. A couple days ago, we entered the world of rolling, wiggling, and kicking during diaper changes. Yikes!

Her favorite sounds to make are "Dat, Dat, Dat" (I think she's getting close to "Daddy"!) and clicking her tongue with the roof of her mouth. She loves talking and is exploring new sounds everyday.

I used to just buckle her in the bouncy chair and set her in the bathroom while I took a shower, but she now throws her toys forward then leans forward to grab them (resulting in a half somersault forward hanging from her seat). That was yesterday. Today I placed her on the middle of our floor where I could see her from the shower. Nothing around her except safe toys. Less than a minute later, she rolled to the electric outlet & tried to suck on Daddy's chords that were plugged in. Hmmm... I think it's time to set up the Pack & Play.

On Thursday, Jada had her 6 month well baby check-up. She was 19 lbs. 6 oz. (60th percentile) and 27 1/4 inches long (90th percentile). She was so tough for her shots; I'm so proud of her. She's very happy and healthy.

Here's a step by step look into Jada rolling on her tummy to grab a toy. The whole process only takes a couple seconds. Watch out, world! Here she comes!

Jada's Dedication & Gabe's First Father's Day

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 7:30 AM

Jada was dedicated at church yesterday, on Gabe's first Father's Day. It was special to have our church family & friends there to pray with us for our little Jada. She did great while Pastor Brett held her (no spit-ups or crying...way to go Jada!) too!

Afterwards, we headed over to Claim Jumper with a group of friends for some delicious food. Here's me & Jada at Claim Jumper celebrating. I realized yesterday that Claim Jumper was also the restaurant my family ate at after Jada's ultrasound (when we found out we were having a girl). It must be the perfect place to celebrate Jada!

Jada wanted to take a bite out of Gabe's "Widow Maker" burger, but settled for sucking on a spoon. :-) Gabe is such a wonderful daddy. I am so thankful that he's my husband and Jada's daddy.

Here's Jada attempting to crawl in her pretty dress. She's getting pretty close; before we know it, she'll be mobile! Yikes! I'm still trying to get used to the idea that my baby is already 6 months old! I can't believe it. She turned 6 months old on Saturday. Wow.
Here she is sitting all by herself. She's not sitting totally straight up, but she stayed like this for a good 30 sec. or so before falling over to the side. :-) Everyday, she makes so much progress, it's crazy!

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Playing with Kaya

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 11:50 AM
Jada loves playing with Kaya. Yesterday, when Jada was playing on the floor in her bedroom, practicing her rolling skills, Kaya ran in the room then proceeded to stare at Jada then run down the hall. She then ran back in the room and did the same thing. Jada thought it was hilarious and would laugh really hard every time Kaya ran back into the room. What good friends they are!

-- Post From My iPhone

Going to Parties, Singing, & Rolling onto Her Tummy

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 11:28 AM
Jada was invited to her first birthday party! Her friend, Brooklyn Shearer, turned one and her party was this past Saturday. Here's a picture of Jada with her friends, Ella, Brooklyn & Sophee and their mommies (Robin, Tiana, & Ashley). Also pictured are Amy (far left), Christina (pregnant with Baby Tymon), & April (far right & pregnant with "Baby Peanut"). :-)

Jada is totally dominating her bouncy chair these days. I remember when she used to just lay back and stare at the hanging toys. Now she attacks them. Ha ha.

Jada loves her Daddy time before bedtime. Here's Daddy and Jada playing before she goes to bed.

Jada has not only enjoyed her rice cearal and sweet potatoes, but has now added brocolli and applesauce to her plate! How exciting! She especially loves applesauce. She had two ice-cube size servings yesterday instead of her usual one. Here's a picture of her first few bites of brocolli.

Jada has been rolling from her tummy to back for a few weeks now, but has recently started rolling from her back to her tummy! It was tough for her to figure out what to do with that other arm after the roll (that gets stuck under her tummy), but she figured it out on Tuesday! Here's a picture of her at Daddy's Ultimate Frisbee game on Tuesday night when she rolled from her back to her tummy all by herself for the first time. She realized that if she grabs on to the turf while she pulls out her other arm, she can successfully make it all the way on her tummy. What a smart girl!

After which, she had a conversation with that pretty little flower she's holding!

Speaking of talking, I'm pretty sure I caught her singing along to the radio the other day. I was driving, and had the volume up as I was singing along to whatever song happened to be playing. I heard something from the back seat. I then turned down the music and heard this cute little voice behind me singing, "Na na na na na". It was SO cute. I guess she really does listen to what Mommy does and follows along!
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Sweet Potatoes for Our Sweet Girl

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 4:57 PM

On Tuesday, June 9th, Jada tried her first solid baby food (besides rice cereal). We decided that sweet potato puree would be a great first food. Here's a brief synopsis of her experience...

"Hmmm... this recipe doesn't look too hard...

"I'm all prepared to create my first masterpiece...

"Ta da! Nothing to it! Now I wonder how it's going to taste...

"Um...I'm not quite sure what I think yet. Do I like this stuff?

"MMM...yeah I do like sweet potatoes. They're pretty good!"

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Fun Times with Grandma & Aunt Katelynn

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 11:33 AM
Grandma & Aunt Katelynn came up from Eugene recently and visited with us for the day while Grandpa raced at Portland International Raceway. We had a great time. Jada had so much fun playing with Katelynn. We baked some chocolate chip cookies together, colored on the sidewalk with some sidewalk chalk, and watched Jada eat rice cereal. Here are some cute shots of Katelynn holding Jada followed by Gabe holding both Katelynn & Jada, then my mom with Jada.

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Eating Breakfast is Tiring!

Published by Gabe, Amber, Jada and Micah Carter under on 10:19 AM
Jada fell asleep while eating her rice cereal this morning! Here she is starting to nod off...

And... She's out!

Ha ha. We had a busy morning going for a run, getting ready for the day, saying goodbye to Daddy as he left for work, that by the time eating breakfast came around, Jada was ready to take a nap.

Here's a cute picture of Jada sleeping on Daddy after church on Wednesday night. Notice the time... 8:25... She knew it was bedtime and didn't care that she wasn't in her was time to sleep!

I love this next picture because Jada's nickname is "Baby Bear". Notice the shirt. :-)

Okay, just one more picture! Doesn't she look so grown up sitting in her Bumbo? I can't believe how fast she's growing right now!

-- Post From My iPhone
